Pack Hosting Panel

Configuring your application

A step by step guide on how to configure your application for Percolate

When your Percolate instance is ready, it's time to configure your application for it. Percolate will act as a proxy for your application, which means that all requests must be routed through your Percolate instance as such. On this page, we'll explain the necessary steps to be taken.

Configure your application's DNS settings

Every Percolate instance comes with a unique Percolate URL. In order to route traffic through your Percolate instance, you'll have to configure the DNS settings for all relevant domain(s).

This can be done by using a CNAME record that points to your Percolate URL.


CNAME   www.mydomain.com   production-mydomain.fsn1.percolate-3.hipex.cloud 
CNAME   mydomain.com       production-mydomain.fsn1.percolate-3.hipex.cloud 

If using a CNAME record is not an option, you can also use an A record that points to the IP address of your Percolate instance. The IP address will be shared with you as part of the delivery of your Percolate instance.

Because your Percolate instance already knows about the application server / load balancer where it needs to route requests to, you now succesfully connected your Percolate instance with your application server.

Modifying your Varnish VCL configuration

Turn off ESI block parsing

Configure Varnish to turn off parsing Edge Side Includes. You can do this by removing / commenting out the following configuration:

set beresp.do_esi = true; # remove this line

Add Percolate as cache flush target

With the addition of Percolate, you'll have to deal with an extra layer of cache that needs to be flushed when demanded.