Creating and administering a database
How to create and administer a database at Hipex?
At Hipex it takes hardly any effort to create and manage a new database. In just a few clicks you may also add and edit database users or permit users access to another database.
In this article we explain how you can do this at Hipex. We assume you are logged into the Pack panel.
Create database in the Pack panel
Let us start by creating a database in the Pack panel.
Go to databases and select the server to which you want to add the database:
By clicking the "add database" button a popup appears in which you can create the new database.
Fill in the fields with your data and add the database.
It may take a few minutes for the database to be added to the server.
The current status is shown in the activities log.
Using the commandline
As soon as the activities log reports the database is successfully created, it is ready to use.
In [this] article you will read more about administering MySQL by using the commandline.
Usage of phpMyAdmin
You may also take advantage of the phpMyAdmin interface. You can activate PhpMyAdmin here. Make sure you have selected the correct server as described before in this article.
After activation you can navigate to the correct url and log in using the [previous] created credentials: